
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sweet Red Wine

Recipe No 2
This is a recipe that is given to me by my mother in law. I made some modifications to suit our necessities (specially the quantity). Even though this came a bit sweeter than hers, it was good. It’s good for a change from the usual US wines and above all this pairs well with the fruit cake.

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  • Black Grapes.........3 cups
  • Sugar..............................6 cups
  • Yeast..............................2 1/4 teaspoon
  • Wheat handful
  • Egg white.........................2 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon.........................One 1 inch piece crushed or 1/3 teaspoon powdered
  • Boiled and cooled water.....10 cups
To make the Caramel
  • Sugar...........1 cup
  • Water ..........1cup ( Boiled)
  1. Wash grapes thoroughly and keep in and earthen pot ( Due to the lack of this I used a glass container which I covered the sides with Aluminum foil)
  2. Add sugar to the grapes and mash them together with clean hands.
  3. Mix in Yeast, Wheat, Egg white, Cinnamon and Water.
  4. Mix everything with a wooden spoon .
  5. Keep it air tight in a dry cool place.
  6. Stir the mix for the next 21 days once everyday with a wooden spoon.
  7. Strain on the 22nd day using a clean cheesecloth. Don't crush the grapes.
  8. Mix  caramel syrup into the wine.
  9. Pour it in bottles in let rest for some days...The longer it sits the better it is.
To make the caramel syrup
  1. Caramelize one cup sugar until it reaches a very dark color. Add boiling  water and let cool completely.
Make this, enjoy the deliciousness and serve it with love....


  1. Atta girl ... way to go!!!!

    needless to say I shall give a shot to some of the 262 recipes in the coming year ... all the very best in ur quest and God bless!!!

  2. Sweet red wine is very popular with beginners. sweet red wine is prefect for beginners. i like the information that you sweet red wine.
    Vintage wines
