
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chicken Egg Drop Soup

Recipe No: 72
This is a very light and refreshing soup that should be served hot. It’s perfect for cold winter nights. This is one of my family’s must order when we visit Chinese restaurants.
 I usually make homemade stock from Chicken bones whenever I make this at home. Apart from the other soups there are only very few ingredients in this one other than the stock. So a strong tasting Chicken stock is essential in this particular recipe. In order to attain that strong taste, I usually add some extra bones when I make stock for this soup to my usual  stock recipe.(For the original homemade Chicken soup recipe click here) If the ingredients are ready it will practically take only a few minutes to put together this fabulously comforting soup.
Ingredients                                                Serves 3
  • Homemade Chicken Stock……............…3 Cups (Don't forget to add some extra bones)
  • Cooked and shredded Chicken pieces….1/4 Cup
  • Egg…………………………........................…2 (Beat with 3 Tablespoons of water)
  • Soy sauce……………………........................1 Tablespoon(or as per taste)
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
Method of Preparation
  1. Heat the Stock and shredded Chicken pieces together till boiling.
  2. To this boiling stock, add beaten egg in a very thin stream form some distance above with one hand while you continuously stir the soup with the other hand. The egg that falls into the boiling soup will cook so fast that it will form tiny threads which are very much a characteristic feature of egg drop soups.
  3. Add soy sauce and adjust salt and pepper to your taste and serve hot.
  • The amount of Soy sauce depends on your taste. Add more or less to suit your palate.
  • Diluting the egg with some water is important as it helps the egg flowing in a very thin stream. If not there is a tendency for some of the egg white to fall together that will result in huge lumps of cooked egg which is not so desirable.
  • It is very essential to stir the soup while dropping the egg. This will separate the threads from each other. Also continue to stir the soup really good for a few minutes after dropping the egg. This will help to cook the egg well and will keep them from clumping.
Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and serve it to your family with love…

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