
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chocolate Mousse

Recipe No:104
This is one of the best loved desserts in my family. It is adapted from one of my favorite sites ‘Food Wishes. Com’ with minor modifications. It’s very easy to make yet very tasty. Enjoy…
Ingredients                               Makes 5 servings
  • Semisweet Chocolate Chips…..1/2 Cup
  • Instant Coffee Powder………….3/4 Teaspoon
  • Vanilla Essence……………………1/2 Teaspoon
  • Butter………………………………...1 Tablespoon
  • Water………………………………...4 Tablespoons (divided)
  • Sugar……………………………….…1 Tablespoon
  • Egg Yolk……………………………..2
  • Salt……………………………..……..a pinch
  • Heavy Cream………………..…….1/2 Cup
  • Heavy Cream, Chocolate Wafers and Chocolate Shavings for decoration
Method of Preparation
  1. On a double boiler melt together Chocolate Chips, Instant Coffee Powder, Butter and 2 Tablespoons of Water till the Chocolate is melted.
  2. When the Chocolate is melted stir it until it attains a shine. Keep this aside and allow cooling. Once cooled, add the Vanilla essence and keep aside till ready to be used.
  3. On the double boiler whip Egg Yolk, Salt, Sugar and 2 tablespoons of Water until it is really whipped and light cream in color. This mixture when done should be hot to touch. Continue whipping with a whisk throughout the process or it may scramble.
  4. Once done mix the Egg mixture with the Chocolate mixture and let it cool down.
  5. When the mixture is cooling, whip the Heavy Cream in another bowl until it forms soft peaks. This will be easy if done with a stand or hand mixer.
  6. Once whipped, add half of it to the Chocolate mixture and mix gently till it is mixed thoroughly.
  7. Once that is mixed, fold in the rest of the Whipped Heavy Cream.
  8. Once mixed, transfer it equally among 5 serving bowls and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.
  9. Serve with whipped cream, Wafers and some Chocolate shavings on top.
  • To set up a double boiler is easy. Simmer some water in a deep pan. Place a bowl on top of the simmering water so that the bottom of the second bowl is not touching the water in the first bowl. Cook things in the top bowl.
  • If the Whipped Cream is mixed together all at once then there are chances for it to lose all the aeration. So the first addition will loosen up the Chocolate mixture so that the folding is easy the second time.
  • You will not be tasting Coffee or Vanilla in this dessert separately, but  it will make the Chocolate taste more chocolaty. So please don't avoid them.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…

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