
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cauliflower Pie

Recipe No: 116
My mother in law used to describe this dish as Cauliflower Pie and so do all of us at home. But once in US, I came across a French dish called Cauliflower Gratin which is made almost the same why, but with some extra herbs and a lot more cheese. Whatever the origin or name, well, I should say that this is a very delicious way to eat Cauliflower.
Ingredients                                         Serves 4
  • Cauliflower florets…………..4 Cups (Washed and drained)
  • Salt…………………….…………1/4 Teaspoon
  • Water…………………..……….1/4 Cup
  • Bread Crumbs………….…….1/3 Cup
  • Oil……………………..………….1 Teaspoon
For the Sauce
  • Butter……………………………2 Tablespoons
  • Flour…………………….……….1 ½ Tablespoons
  • Milk……………………...……….1 ½ Cups (Low fat milk will also work)
  • Salt………………….....…………1/2 Teaspoon
  • Pepper powder………..……..1/4 Teaspoon
  • Grated Cheese………………..1/4 Cup (I used Parmasan but any sort of grated  White Cheese will do)
Method of Preparation
  1. In a pan boil Cauliflower, Salt and Water for 4-5 minutes and strain if there is any water left. Keep the drained water for later use. The Cauliflower should be just cooked  and   not be falling apart.
To make the sauce
  1. In a pan on medium heat, melt the Butter and add the Flour and stir till the raw smell is gone. It will start to smell nutty after a minute or two.
  2. Add half of the cold milk and stir continuously with a whisk so that the mixture is smooth without any lumps. Mix in the rest of the milk and the left over water in which the Cauliflower was boiled (if any) and stir continuously till it is thickened.
  3. Off the heat and add Salt, Pepper and Cheese and stir it in.
To assemble and bake the Pie
  1. Preheat the oven to 380˚F/194˚C.
  2. In a 9×6  inch pan, spread a thin layer of sauce on the bottom and then put all the Cauliflower and level the top.
  3. Pour all the sauce on the Cauliflower evenly. It should fill all the gaps in between the florets.
  4. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top and finish it off by drizzling a teaspoon of Oil on top.
  5. Bake the Pie for 20-30 minutes or until it is bubbly and the bread crumbs browns slightly.
  6. Serve it hot with a few pieces of crusty bread.
  • If Cauliflower is pretty fresh and clean just wash and drain them. But if it is not so fresh and have some marks on top, chances are high that there are some worms playing ‘peek-a-boo’ inside. So while cleaning Cauliflower put them in salty water for 5-10 minutes. This will bring out all the worms (if any) that are hiding inside, out. Wash it again to get rid of the extra Salt and drain.
  • While making the White sauce you need to cook it till it is thick. It should coat the back of a spoon and if you draw a line in the middle of the back side of the spoon from top to bottom the line should stay there or the sauce shouldn’t flow over and cover the line. Don't use more than 1/4 cup of left over water from the cooking of Cauliflower.
  • The sauce should be a bit on the salty side when made in order to make the dish taste with enough salt in the end as the Cauliflower florets have only very little salt.
  • The Oil drizzled on top of the bread crumbs will help it brown.
  • There are chances that the pie may bubble and overflow. So it is better to place it on a baking tray before putting in the oven. Otherwise you will have to clean up the oven after wards.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…

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