
Monday, November 1, 2010

Pineapple Soufflé

Recipe No: 109
This is one of my most loved desserts and can be made with both fresh as well as canned Pineapple. The texture of this pudding is in such a way that it can be sliced and served on a plate but at the same time very soft to cut through. One optional thing that should be mentioned in this recipe is Pineapple essence. If you have it that will give a very special taste but the problem is that in US it is very difficult to find some. So an alternative is to use good  Vanilla essence which taste good too.
Ingredients                                   Serves 12
For the Pineapple Layer
  • Crushed Pineapple……1 20 oz can or 2 cups
  • Corn Starch….………….1 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Sugar……….……………..1/2 Cup
For the Custard Layer
  • Milk……………..………..2 Cups
  • Sugar……………….….…2/3 Cups + 3 Tablespoons
  • Eggs…………………..…..3 Large (Separate Yolk and White)
  • Gelatin……………..……1 Tablespoon
  • Cold Water……………..3 Tablespoons
  • Corn starch……..……..1 Teaspoon (Dilute with 1 ½ Tablespoons of Water)
  • Vanilla Essence……….3/4 Teaspoon (If you have Pineapple Essence use ½ Teaspoon)

Method of Preparation
To make the Pineapple Layer
  1. Mix Pineapple, Corn Starch and Sugar well and cook in a medium flame until thick. Stir continuously from the time it boils till the end to avoid burning at the bottom.
  2. Once thickened, spread it on the bottom of an 8 x 10 inch pan (or any pan that almost have this measurement) and cool it thoroughly in the refrigerator.
To make the Custard Layer
  1. Soak Gelatin in Cold Water for 5 minutes.
  2. Heat Milk and 2/3rd cup of Sugar in a pan on medium heat.
  3. Beat the Egg Yolks thoroughly.
  4. Once the Milk is hot add ½ Cup of hot milk to the beaten Yolk and mix well. Once mixed well, add the Yolk mixture back to the hot Milk.
  5. Add the soaked Gelatin to the Milk mixture and cook it till it starts to thicken.
  6. Add the Corn Starch paste to the cooking Custard and cook till it starts to boil along the edges. Stir all the way through.
  7. Once boiled, take it off the stove and immerse it in a pot of cold water and let it cool down slightly and then mix in the Essence.
  8. While the mixture is cooling down whip the Egg Whites with 3 tablespoons of Sugar till it forms soft peaks.
  9. Fold (mix) in the Whipped Egg Whites to the semi cooled Custard.
  10. Once folded well pour this on to the top of the Pineapple  layer taking care not to disturb that layer.
  11. Refrigerate this for at least 10 hours or till it is well set before cutting and serving it cold with desired toppings. I prefer Whipped Cream, Pineapple slices and Mint Leaves (Just for the added touch of color).
  • Soaking Gelatin in Cold Water is very important. If you skip this stage the Pudding will not set.
  • Don’t add beaten Egg Yolks directly to the warm Milk or add all of the warm milk to the Egg Yolk. These can result in scrambling of the Eggs.
  • Corn starch has a tendency to deposit to the bottom of the bowl when it sits for some time. So please mix it well just before adding.
  • While cooling, stir the Custard now and then to avoid the skin from forming on top.
  • In a soft peak stage of the Egg White, if you hold the bowl upside down the Egg Whites won't fall down.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and
serve it to your family with love...


  1. How I wish I was ur next door neighbour......................... aaa. so so so tempting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I have a doubt... I can see three layers.. which I understand is the pineapple mix, custard...and is the thick layer the whipped cream? Also, when should we do the topping...after the pudding is set or before refrigerating? Forgive my ignorance.. but this is one of my fav dessert...never made it myself!!!

  3. The third layer in the pudding is not something we do. It is created by itself when we fold whipped Egg Whites into warm custard. As the custard is warm, the Egg Whites partially cooks and forms this layer. Some how I am addicted to that 3 way texture... (If you fold the whipped eggs later when the custard is cold, it will form a uniform layer and in that case whites will not be cooked...)
    The decorative topping on the top is indeed whipped cream, which I do only at the time of serving...
