
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Roasted Tomato Soup

Recipe No: 111
I used to make Tomato soup now and then but then I decided to roast the Tomatoes before making the Soup. It was just for fun at first but I was amazed to see how much sweeter the Tomatoes will become once it is roasted. This is a very delicious yet nutritious soup that is perfect for a cold winter night.
Ingredients                            Serves 2
  • Tomato…………………......5 Large (I prefer Roma Tomatoes)
  • Balsamic Vinegar…......…1 Tablespoon (If you don’t have that use ½ Tablespoon white Vinegar)
  • Oil……………………….........1 Teaspoon
  • Onion cut into wedges…1/2 big
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
Method of preparation
  1. Preheat the oven to 400˚F/200˚C
  2. Cut the Tomatoes into two. Place Tomato and Onion on a baking sheet; drizzle with Balsamic Vinegar and Oil and Roast in the Oven for 45 minutes.
  3. Put the roasted Tomato and Onion in a blender and blend into a smooth paste. Strain it through a strainer with wide mesh to remove the seeds and the skin.
  4. Heat the tomato pulp in the stove, add Salt and Black Pepper and serve hot.
  • It is very necessary to use a wide meshed strainer as we need the pulp and at the same time have to remove the seeds and the skin.
  • I prefer Roma Tomatoes as they have a very less liquid content when compared to may other varieties.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…

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