
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wonton Soup and Freezing Wontons

Recipe No: 127
This is a Chinese style soup and I should say very tasty. This uses both Pork and Shrimp and ideally Pork should have some amount of fat. But personally I am not a ‘Pork Fat’ person, so mostly I use Pork with less fat. So if you want your Wontons melt in your mouth, include some fat but even without that it is an awesome tasting Soup. It is also very easy to freeze this Wontons so that  homemade Wontons are ready in your refrigerator to make Soup on a cold and lazy Winter evening. This recipe is adapted from Linda Doeser's 'Wok and Stir Fry ' with some modifications.
Ingredients                                                                  Serves 5
  • Ground Pork………………………….1 Cup (around 200 grams)
  • Shrimp……………………………….…6 big ones cleaned, deveined and chopped finely
  • Light Brown Sugar………………..1 Teaspoon (If not available, use grated Jaggary)
  • Rice Wine…………………………..…1 Tablespoon (If not available,use any dry white wine)
  • Soy Sauce…………………………..…2 Tablespoons divided
  • Green/Spring Onion chopped….1 Tablespoon
  • Ginger chopped finely………….…1 Teaspoon
  • Wonton wrappers…………………..30
  • Chicken Stock…………………….…3 Cups
  • Sliced Green/Spring Onion for garnish
Method of Preparation
  1. Combine together Pork, Shrimp, Brown Sugar, Rice Wine, one tablespoon Soy Sauce, Chopped Green / Spring Onion, and Ginger. Keep it aside for 20 minutes till all the flavors mingle.
  2. Place ¾ teaspoon of filling in the middle of the Wonton wrapper.
  3. Wet the edges of the wrapper with water and press all the edges together with your fingers to seal. Make all the Wontons like this.
  4. Heat 3 Cups of Chicken Stock till rolling boil, add 20 Wontons and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Add one tablespoon of Soy Sauce, mix well, switch off the stove and transfer the Soup to individual serving bowls.
  6. Garnish with Spring/ Green Onions and serve hot.
  • The no of Wontons to be served per portion depends on you. Anywhere from 3 to 5 Wontons per serving is fine.
  • Usually I cook one Wonton extra per person if in case any of the Wontons open up in the Stock and become unable to be served. But if closed properly by pressing the tips of the Wontons tightly, then I am sure it will not open up.
  • Working with Wontons wrappers are tricky, as it dries out pretty fast. So take only one by one out of its cover or make sure to cover the extra ones with a damp cloth if it is out of its cover.
  • From this amount you will get 30-32 Wontons. Use only 18-20 for this recipe. Freeze the rest so that Wontons are ready in your fridge when you crave for this Soup the next time.
  • Wonton wrappers are available in the frozen section of most of the grocery stores. Both square and round ones work perfectly.
    To Store the extra Wontons
    • Place the extra Wontons without touching each other on a lightly floured plate or tray and keep in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. By this time each of them will be individually frozen.
    • Once individually frozen, put them in a Zip Lock bag and store it in the Freezer. 
    • If you skip on individually freezing the Wontons, then they will form one frozen mass.
    • When ready to be used the next time, let then thaw on a lightly floured plate without touching each other, covered with a damp cloth and make Soup as stated above.

    Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
    serve it to your family with love…

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