
Monday, January 3, 2011

Crab Roast

Recipe No: 160
A few days before when I posted my Mothers Shrimp Curry recipe, I mentioned about our Fish Monger, Mariya Chedathi.  Well Crab was also usual in her basket. I still remember she running with her signature bent posture to catch the Crabs that escaped from her basket, with me watching the whole thing with the curiosity of a kid. The most taunting task is to kill and clean the Crabs but here in US, already cooked Crabs are available in most of the stores that sells Fishes and other Seafoods.
Ingredients                                                Serves 4
To Grind
  • Shallots sliced…………………….1/4 Cup
  • Ginger Garlic paste………….….2 Teaspoon
  • Red Chilly Powder………..…….1 Teaspoon
  • Coriander Powder……………...2 Teaspoon
  • Pepper Powder……………………1/2 Teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder………………..1/4 Teaspoon
  • Garam Masala Powder…….….1 Teaspoon
  • Vinegar……………………….…….1 Tablespoon
  • Salt……………………………………3/4 Teaspoon
To Saute
  • Cleaned Crab………………..……1/2 kg (I used Dungeness crab, tap to make cracks on the legs pieces)
  • Coconut Oil………………………..3 Tablespoons
  • Onion Sliced…………………..…..2 Cups
  • Curry Leaves………………….…..2 Sprigs
  • Kokum/ Kudampuli…………….2 big pieces
  • ¼ teaspoon Garam Masala Powder, a sprig of Curry Leaf and 1 teaspoon Coconut Oil to sprinkle in the end
Method of Preparation
  1. Grind all the ingredients mentioned in the ‘to grind’ section into a course paste (using 1 or 2 tablespoons of Water if needed) and keep aside till ready to be used.
  2. Heat Coconut Oil in a pan on medium high heat and saute the Onion and Curry Leaves till it becomes golden brown.
  3. Add the ground paste and saute on a medium heat till the raw smell is gone for about 4–5 minutes. (Don’t rush the process and stir constantly to avoid burning during this step)
  4. Add Crab pieces, Kokum and 2 cups of Water; mix well; close the pan and let it cook on medium heat till almost all of the Water is evaporated. Add more salt if needed.
  5. Once almost dry, sprinkle ¼ teaspoon Garam Masala Powder, some Curry Leaves (tear them for better flavor) and some Coconut Oil on top; switch off the heat; close the pan and let it sit for 20 minutes before serving with Rice.
  • For cleaning the Crab: First take off the legs and cut or break then along the joints. Tap to crack the shells of the legs which will allow the Masala to penetrate the meat. Remove the Carapace or the big shell from the top and an elongated shell from the underside.  Once this is removed, take off the gills and the waste (yellow in color) from the underside. Make the body into 4 pieces. Wash and keep them ready.
  • When you take the Carapace or the big shell off, sticking onto it you will find some yellowish thing called ‘Crab Butter’. It is usually said to give Crab preparations a very good taste. But at the same time most of the chemical pollutants specially the heavy metals from the Water in which the Crabs lived tend to accumulate in this. So it is safer to discard Crab Butter unless you are very sure that it is from a less polluted water body.
  • Don't avoid Kokum as it balances the natural sweetness of Crab apart from giving this dish its special flavor.
  • Don’t skip the process of sprinkling Oil, Garam Masala and Curry Leaves in the end as it gives a very pleasant smell to the dish.
  • Allow it to rest in its own cooking vessel for some time which is referred to as ‘Pathrapakam’ by elders meaning the time for the dish to attain its real taste  sitting in its own cooking vessel.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and
serve it to your family with love...