
Monday, January 17, 2011

Mushroom Stewed in Coconut Milk (Koon Theenga Paalil Veyichathu)

Recipe No: 174
This is a tasty but very easy and fast  stew which tastes the best when eaten hot out of the pan. This is one of my very few Mushroom preparations where I don’t use Turmeric Powder and please use fresh Mushrooms.
Ingredients                                       Serves 3
  • Mushrooms………………..150 Grams/ 3 heaping Cups (cleaned and sliced)
  • Oil……………………………..2 Tablespoons
  • Shallots chopped fine…..1/4 Cup
  • Indian Green Chilly……..1 (chopped fine)
  • Garlic chopped fine………1 ½ Tablespoons
  • Coconut Milk………….…..1 Cup
  • Pepper Powder………..…..1/2 Teaspoon
  • Coriander leaves……..…..1 Tablespoon (chopped fine)
  • Salt as needed
Method of Preparation
  1. Heat Oil in a pan on medium high heat, and saute Shallots, Green Chilly and Garlic till it is slightly brown.
  2. Add the sliced Mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes. By this time, most of the Water will come out of the Mushrooms and it will be reduced considerably.
  3. Add Salt and Pepper Powder and fry for 30 seconds before adding Coconut Milk.
  4. Close the pan, reduce the heat and let it cook covered for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Once cooked and the gravy is reduced to a desirable consistency, add the Coriander leaves and serve hot with Appam, Chappathi or Bread.
  • Cleaning Mushrooms- I have a habit of peeling the skin off the Mushroom. (To see how it is done, see the picture in this post on Mushroom Curry) In this case, I washed the Mushrooms, dried them with a paper towel and then peeled off the skin. As the Mushrooms were big, I cut them into two before slicing. If it is small just slice it.
  • If the Coconut Milk is too thick, please add some Water to thin it a bit. If you are making Coconut milk by squeezing grated Coconut then mix first and second Milk together.
  • Don’t add Salt to the Mushrooms before it reduces, as there are chances that you may misjudge the amount of Salt seeing the huge amount of Mushroom, which will actually reduce considerably.
  • If you are making this dish in a shallow pan, the Coconut Milk may boil over. So in that case, keep the pan partially opened while cooking.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…


  1. looks lovely.... i loved the fish in fish.... and thanks for ur comment... well, mine is just every dishes...whatever I cook on any given day, i blog.... just to keep all the recipes safe!!!! wink!!! again iam telling u....dont stop after 88 more recipes... and one doubt...did u put on weight in the last 8 months? coz ur pictures itself making me put on weight.... and I want to try most of it.... iam trying to figure out how to give you an award...

  2. He..he... well I didn't put weight till December. But during the Christmas season (it happens every year with or without a blog !!) I did. And I still don't know how to reduce it, for this year I have this blog... Thanks a lot Sojo..
