
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Egg Stuffed Cutlets

Recipe No: 205
Cutlets are one of the most popular appetizers among us. Well I should say, if you want your guests to go ‘hmm’, then try this… It can be made using whole hard boiled Eggs and when you serve you can cut them into halves or quarters. But I love to conceal the Egg inside and let the person who eats, discover the secret.
This can be a two in one recipe… The Beef- Potato mixture is the same as of regular Beef Cutlet; when you want it simple, just leave the Egg out. But if you want to take it to another level and surprise your guests, use the Egg for the stuffing.
Ingredients                                        Makes 12
  • Cooked and minced Beef…............1 ½ Cup
  • Hard boiled Eggs……………...........3 (Cut into quarters)
  • Oil……………………………………....….2-3 Tablespoons
  • Garam Masala Powder………........3/4 Teaspoon
  • Pepper Powder………………........….1/2 Teaspoon
  • Coriander leaves chopped…….......2 Tablespoons
  • Potato (Boiled and mashed)….......1 Large (or 1 ½ Cups)
  • Oil for deep frying
  • Salt to taste
To Grind or Chop fine
  • Onion cubed.........................1 cup
  • Garlic……………………………...6 big cloves
  • Ginger………………………….….1 big piece
  • Indian Green Chilly…………..4 big ones
To coat and fry
  • Eggs……………………………….2 beaten with 2 Tablespoons Water and a pinch of Salt
  • Bread Crumbs……………….…1 Cup
Method of Preparation
To make the Meat- Potato mixture
  1. Grind coarsely or chop fine Onion, Green Chilly, Ginger and Garlic.
  2. Heat Oil in a pan and saute the ground mixture until slightly brown, together with a bit of Salt.
  3. Add minced Beef followed by Garam Masala Powder, Pepper Powder and Coriander Leaves. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Off the heat and add the mashed Potato and mix well. Add more Salt if necessary at this point.
To make and fry the Stuffed Cutlets
  1. Divide the Beef - Potato mixture into 12 equally sized balls.
  2. Take one portion and press it with your palms and fingers to make a thin round.
  3. Place a piece of Egg in the middle and cover it with the Beef mixture from the sides so  that the Egg is sealed inside the Beef - Potato mixture. Repeat this with all the 12 portions.
  4. Dip it in the beaten Egg and roll in the Bread crumbs. Keep them aside.
  5. Heat at least two inches of Oil in a pan and deep fry these stuffed Cutlets until golden brown on both sides and serve hot.
  • Cook Beef with ¼ teaspoon of Pepper Powder and ¼ Teaspoon of Salt in a pan until the Water oozed out dries up. (Not necessary to cook in a Pressure cooker) Then shred it in a food processor or a blender.
  • If you don't eat Meat, please substitute it with Chicken, Turkey, Soy chunks or Paneer.
  • The Onion and Green Chilly should be very fine; otherwise they will keep coming out of the mixture. I love to add chopped Curry Leaves too while sauteing.
  • In any case if the Beef Potato mixture is sticking, then wet your hands a bit.
  • Cut fresh Bread into small pieces and grind into Crumbs in a food processor or a blender for fresh Bread Crumbs.
  • There shouldn’t be any cracks on the Cutlets otherwise it may splatter while frying.
  • The Cutlets should be immersed in Oil while frying. If you use less Oil the temperature of the Oil will drop once you put the Cutlets which results in over absorption of Oil by the Cutlets.
  • If in any case Oil is only coming up to the sides of the Cutlets, then temperature will increase in the portion of the Cutlet lying in the Oil. This will cause cracks in between these two portions. So a way to avoid this is to turn the Cutlet over after 30 seconds of putting it in hot Oil so that the temperature will be even on both sides which will prevent a lot of cracking.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…


  1. Yumm, am hungry now, wat a tempting cutlets..

  2. This luks really innovative,...gud wrk Asha.

  3. this is an awesome idea..asha..def trying it sometime

  4. A new preparation. I never thought of this before.
