
Monday, September 27, 2010

Cold Coffee with Vanilla Ice Cream

Recipe No:84
I have a ton of memories surrounding Cold Coffee…which takes me back by 4 years. Returning back from work around 3:30 p.m on hot summer afternoons, I used to take a break sometimes in a shopping complex near our house. (It is Kedaram in case if someone reading this knows the place.) Even though this luxury is mostly coincided with the errands that I have there, I used to adore this getaway from the madness of the work and home. 
There at that time was a small Ice cream parlor ‘Favorites’ which  served delicious Ice Cream and Ice Cream based dishes. When everyone else orders Ice Creams, there will be one person ordering Cold Coffee…Well you guessed it...none other than me… Sitting there in a corner on a small table that can accommodate two. I used to slurp down that Cold Coffee with smooth and soft Vanilla Ice-cream on top as if I have been taken away from all the hurry buries of life; a few moments of blissful delight that I still cherish years after and I will cherish for years to come… Now that little Ice cream parlor is no more….one shock that I received on the second day I step my foot in Kerala soil after three years of stay in US. I have some friends here in US who mourns the vanishing of ‘Favorites’ just like me; for those I am dedicating this post…

Here, with this recipe I am trying to recreate the taste of that Cold Coffee… It comes closer but the absence of that hot and humid summer afternoon Kerala air with all the noises of the traffic makes it a bit less precious. But still to cherish the memories of that special place… here it goes…
Ingredients                                       Serves 2
  • Milk…………………............2 Cups (Chill it in the freezer for at least 2 hours to make it semi frozen)
  • Cold Water…….................1/2 Cup
  • Sugar…………….............…1/3 Cup
  • Instant Coffee Powder…2 Tablespoons
  • Vanilla Ice Cream………..2 Scoops
Method of preparation
  1. Blend all the ingredients other than Ice Cream in a blender till everything is blended and frothy, for about a minute.
  2. Pour it into two serving glasses and put a scoop of Ice Cream on top in each.
  3. Serve cold with a spoon and a straw after dusting with coffee powder on top.
  • Most of the ingredients stated in the recipe are according to your taste. So feel free to customize it.
  • The intensity of the Coffee varies with the variety of the Coffee Powder you are using. So please use more or less depending on the available Coffee Powder.
  • You can always blend the Ice Cream into the Coffee Milk mixture, but I prefer it to be served on top. That way you can eat the Ice Cream now and then while drinking and also the constantly melting Ice-cream will make the Cold Coffee tastier with each sip.

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…