
Friday, September 24, 2010

Karahi Chicken

Recipe No: 83
I had this Chicken for the first time from a Pakistani Restaurant in LA and realized how different it tastes from the usual Chicken dishes. So I decided to give it a try. It has a tomato based gravy and doesn’t have Onion, Garlic or much of the Indian spices. Garam Masala is also optional but I use it because I like this dish better with it. You can make it with  or without gravy. But I kind of like it with a bit of gravy if I serve it with any of the Breads and with no gravy if I serve it with Rice.
Ingredients                                     Serves 4-6
To Cook
  • Cleaned and skinned Chicken….2 lb (cut into small pieces)
  • Salt………………………………….…..1/2 Teaspoon
  • Whole pepper Corns………………10-12 No
  • Chopped Green Chilly…………….2 Tablespoons
  • Water…………………………………..1/2 Cup
To Saute
  • Vegetable Oil……………………..…4 Tablespoons
  • Cumin …………………………….….1/2 Teaspoon
  • Chopped Ginger……………...……2 Tablespoons
  • Tomato Chopped roughly….…..4 Cups
  • Chilly Powder……………………….1 ½ Teaspoon
  • Water…………………………..……..1 Cup
  • Garam Masala Powder…………..1/2 Teaspoon (Optional)
To Garnish
  • Ginger cut into long thin pieces...1/2 Teaspoon
  • Cilantro chopped……………………..2 Tablespoons
Method of Preparation
  1. Put all the ingredients to cook in a pan on high heat till it is boiled and then lower the flame and let the Chicken cook till tender. Once cooked, open the pan and let all the extra water evaporate. Keep this aside till ready to be used.
  2. Crush together Cumin seeds and Ginger. (I used a small mortar and pestle for this)
  3. While the Chicken is cooking, start sauteing the other ingredients.
  4. Add Oil in a wide pan on medium high heat. Once hot add the crushed Cumin and Ginger and saute for a minute.
  5. Add the chopped Tomato and Chilly powder and 1/3 Teaspoon of Salt and saute till oil oozes out. This will take some time; so be patient and wait till all the water evaporates and the Tomato mixture cooks in the hot oil.
  6. Once the Oil has oozed out, add the cooked Chicken and mix really well.
  7. Add Garam Masala powder and most of the Cilantro and mix once more. At this point add more water if you want some gravy. I would suggest 1 cup of water for  this recipe. Let it boil and get really mixed well.
  8. Switch off the flame and serve this hot sprinkled with Cilantro and thinly sliced Ginger.
  • Make this when tomatoes are in season and using canned tomatoes are not desirable. 

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…


  1. Hello Asha,

    Let me this the 'Tawakal' version...whatever it is, it was fabulous :) I can tell you, this is going to be a regular at our home. Hope you are all doing fine :)


  2. Hai Milgy...
    You are right..I was trying to imitate that....

  3. You are a genius..the only thing i was able to figure out is that there are no onions... I didn't get any further than that :) Thanks for the recipe.. I also made the nankhattais ..those turned out great. I took some to my collegues think i'm a great baker :p

  4. That's cool... Happy that I got the chance to awake your inner 'Baker'

  5. Nice post! Visit the best Pakistani restaurant in Abu Dhabi (أفضل مطعم باكستاني في أبو ظبي).
