
Monday, December 27, 2010

Pazham(Banana) Pradhaman (Ripe Banana-Jaggery Dessert)

Recipe No: 150
Some days before when I posted Banana Halwa, I mentioned about a friend who, at times, calls me and to ask about what to do with the overripe Bananas.This is one other  dish that I make to save them. Once you try this, I am sure that you will buy extra Bananas just to make this!!!!
Ingredients                       Serves 6
  • Ripe Banana chopped…….....3 cups (heaped)
  • Shredded Jaggery………….....1 ½ cups loosely packed (small pieces will do, but don't pack)
  • Tapioca Pearls/ Chavvari…..2 tablespoons
  • Ghee……………………………….  1 ½ tablespoons
  • Cashew nuts and Raisins…..2 tablespoons each
  • Milk…………………………….....1 ¼- 1 ½ cups (Use according to the thickness you want)
  • Cardamom Powder…………..3/4 teaspoon (freshly made is better)
  • Dry Ginger Powder…………1/3-1/2 teaspoon (Chukkupodi. Add 1/4 teaspoon and then increase if needed depending on your taste.)
Method of Preparation
  1. Heat Jaggery with ½ cup Water till it is melted. Strain and keep it aside.
  2. Heat Tapioca pearls together with ½ cup Water till boiled and keep it aside covered, till ready to be used.
  3. Melt Ghee on medium high heat and fry Cashew nuts till it starts to brown along the edges and add the Raisins. Fry  them together till the Raisins plump up. Remove them from the Ghee and keep them aside till ready to be used.
  4. To the remaining Ghee, add cubed Bananas and cook for 3 minutes on high heat stirring now and then. By now, some of the Banana pieces will be mashed and some remain as pieces and a lot of liquid will be oozed out.
  5. Add the strained Jaggery, Tapioca Pearls along with the cooking liquid, Cashew nuts and Raisins.
  6. Lower the heat to medium  and cook for 10 minutes stirring often. By this time the liquid content will be reduced considerably.
  7. Add Milk and let it boil along the edges.
  8. Add Cardamom Powder and Dry Ginger Powder; mix well and switch off the heat.
  9. Cover the pan and let it sit for 30 minutes before serving warm or cold.
  • Raw Cashew nuts need some extra time to fry than Raisins, so add Raisins only a bit later. But if you are using roasted Cashews, fry both of them together.
  • After pouring the Milk don’t let it boil thoroughly as it may separate. Don’t forget to stir constantly after pouring the Milk.
  • The Bananas that are very common is US is the Robusta type Banana, which is used in this recipe too. Don't confuse it with Plantains (Ethakka).
  • I used lighter colored Jaggery and so this dish is lightly colored. But if you are using darker colored Jaggery then this dish will also become darker (I prefer the darker variety but for now I have to be satisfied with the lighter version.) 
  • The thickness of this Pradaman is good to be poured on a Banana leaf for traditional Kerala Sadhya (feast).

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and 
serve it to your family with love…

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