
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Russian Salad

Recipe No: 149
This is my version of the Russian Salad that I ate from the restaurant Oasis in Kedaram Shopping Complex in Thiruvananthapuram. The thing I love most about this salad is the presence of a fruit along with the other Vegetables, which makes it one of those dishes that have both sweet and savory elements. I had this same dish from the same restaurant with different fruits like Orange and Pineapple (only one fruit at a time), but I should say my favorite is always the one with Pineapple.
Ingredients                                       Serves 2
  • Carrot cut into cubes……….....1/2 Cup
  • Beans cut into cubes……………1/2 Cup
  • Potato cut into cubes…………..1/2 Cup
  • Pineapple cut into cubes…..….1/3 cup
  • Hard boiled Egg…………….……1, quartered
  • Mayonnaise……………………….2 ½ Tablespoons
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
Method of Preparation
  1. Bring Carrots, Beans and Potatoes with ¼ cup water to a boil and then lower the heat to low and let it cook. The Vegetables should be just cooked. Drain if there is excess water.
  2. Let the Vegetables cool down a bit and mix Pineapple, Mayonnaise, Salt and Pepper.
  3. Transfer it to a serving dish and arrange Egg on top.
  4. Serve warm or cold.
  • Don't over cook the Vegetables or it will mash while mixing.  It should be only just cooked.
  • Don’t mix Mayonnaise when the Vegetables are very hot or Mayo will lose its consistency.
  • If you are on a diet, please use low fat Mayo. (Don’t substitute Mayo with Yogurt in this recipe.)

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and
serve it to your family with love…