
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pathiri (Rice Tortillas!!!)

Recipe No: 176
Making Pathiri used to be a challenge for me until one of my good friend, one I spend 7 years together in College hostel, moved to US. (She used to bring stacks of Pathiri  to our hostel  from her home, which we devoured so quietly that no one else around will know about it...well almost...except the smell of the Chicken Curry that accompanies,  attracted some). This dish used to be a staple at hers and I was very much interested in knowing how they make it. So willingly, she took charge as my ‘Pathiri Guru’ and even if it was ‘distant learning’ I think I grasped her pretty well. Now , after making it a few times, I am pretty comfortable in describing how to make it and I truly hope that I will make my ‘teacher’ proud with this posting…
Ingredients                                     Makes 8
For making Pathiri
  • Rice Flour/ Pathiri Podi……1 Cup
  • Water…………………………….1 ¼ Cup
  • Salt………………………………..1/3 Teaspoon
For making the tempered Coconut Milk
  • Coconut Oil…………………….1 Tablespoon
  • Shallots sliced…………………2
  • Coconut milk………………….3/4 Cup
Method of Preparation
To Make the Pathiri
  1. Boil Water with Salt on high heat. Once boiled, drop the Rice Flour steadily into the Water with one hand while mixing with the other hand.
  2. Once the Flour is dropped completely, mix it thoroughly; off the heat and leave it closed for a minute.
  3. Dump it into a wide plate and when cooled enough to handle, knead it really good to make the dough smooth.
  4. Divide it into 8 equal portions.
  5. Roll out each portion as thin as possible. About an 8 inch circle will be good.
  6. Place the rolled Pathiri  on a hot pan/ thawa on medium heat and cook one side.
  7. Turn it over and let the other side also cook.
  8. Turn it once more and press the top with a spatula. This will make the Pathiri puff up. (Don’t let it brown)
  9. Once cooked and puffed, take it from the pan and let it cool on a parchment paper.
  10. Once cooled, stack it up and cover with a foil and keep aside till ready to be used.
To make the tempered Coconut Milk
  1. Heat Coconut Oil in a  pan and saute the sliced Shallots.
  2. Once the Shallots are golden brown, add the Coconut Milk; let it warm up  and switch off the heat.
To Assemble and Serve Pathiri
  1. When ready to be served, dip the Pathiri in the tempered Coconut Milk for a couple of seconds and serve.
  • Rice Flour for making Pathiri is very fine and it is easily available in most of the Indian stores (Pathiri/ Appam/ String Hopper/ Idiyappam Podi can be used).
  • If you drop the whole Flour at once into the boiling Water, there are chances that some Flour may not combine well, so adding Flour slowly while whisking at the same time works better.
  • There are chances for the dough balls to dry out. So when you take one portion to roll , knead it a bit to make it more pliable.
  • If you want a perfect circle, cut out circles from the rolled out dough with the help of a plate. Knead the scraps together to make more. But I found that the Pathiri made from the rolled out scraps is a bit harder than the others. So I prefer not to cut  the sides. Some irregularity along the sides won't hurt, after all it is homemade!!!
  • Don’t let the Pathiri brown while cooking.
  • Once dipped in Coconut Milk, don’t keep Pathiri for long as Coconut Milk makes them soggy. So dip it in Coconut Milk only just before serving.
  • You can make the Pathiri 4-6 hours in advance, but dip in warm Coconut Milk before serving (so that the dish will be warm when served).

Make it, enjoy the deliciousness and
serve it to your family with love...

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